Something Something Jet Plane, etc.

As you might have seen on my Twitter, I am unfortunately going to be away between June 1st and June 4th. I have some things to attend to, and I won’t be in a position to rummage through Nathan’s papers and dig for clues as to his whereabouts until at least Friday, June 5th. I’ll try to have some Tweets and blog posts in the meantime just so you know I wasn’t kidnapped or eaten, but I can’t guarantee anything more special than that.

For those of you eager to help, I apologize if this downtime is a bit of a letdown (especially after my recent hiatus), but it can’t be helped. But don’t worry: I’m not abandoning you, and I’ll be back in the fight before the end of the week.

Thanks for all your hard work and support so far, and your dedication to helping me find my brother. I’ll be back soon, and hopefully we’ll get some big leads in the week to come.

Farewell for now!

20 Responses to “Something Something Jet Plane, etc.”

  1. Amanda Says:

    Thanks for the heads up Elliott! You know how we worried so earlier this weekend. We’ll keep working on what we have and will look forward to hearing from you and seeing what you can come up with for leads next weekend!

  2. Gary Says:

    Safe travels, then. Take care!

  3. porridgebrain Says:

    Have a safe trip Elliott! We’ll be busy digging into every lead we can find while you’re away.

  4. A Hex From The Mouse And Other News « The UNOFFICIAL LostARG: Are you a Candidate? Says:

    […] other news, tweets and a blog post by Elliott tell us that he’s going to be away for most of this week so won’t be […]

  5. env420 Says:

    Be safe Elliott. As porridgebrain said, we’ll still be sinking our claws into every lead we can. Look forward to hearing from you soon. πŸ™‚

  6. Ryan Says:

    Goodbye for now, Elliot, don’t get on an Oceanic or Ajira flight πŸ™‚

  7. env420 Says:

    Hey Elliott, we have deciphered r33pich33p’s hex code and text he sent you. It took us to There’s seems to be a lot more clues on the site. Have a safe trip, just thought I’d let you know. πŸ™‚

  8. DarrellEW Says:

    I just solved the puzzle
    will be posting on unfiction in a bit

  9. env420 Says:

    Hey Elliott. Hope your trip is going well. Remember to have a little fun. πŸ˜‰ We’re stuck again, but I think we’re onto something. With the little crumbs left by our frind r33pich33p, we’ve discovered the letters THE OITTI FANILX, deciphered from the number on, which is where the crumbs led. We’ve all just kind of assumed this means THE NITTI FAMILY, since there’s an employee of Chenchey named Francisco Nitti. However, this has led us nowhere really. I also noticed that several typos throughout the Chenchey website, but figuring out what to do with them has stumped us, although we haven’t given up! πŸ™‚ The typos are as follows:

    *Our team of researchers is always working working…
    *The Chenchey Institute has been researching ways to make to make…
    *Influenced by Hanso’s humInAtarian work…
    *The Chenchey Institute prides itself on 17 years of on innovative reAsearch…
    *The Chenchey Institute (IS) home to hundreds of hard-working scientists….(missing IS)
    *Dimitri Girard Director, ElectromaNGetic Research

    We have also noticed random letters capitalized on the finalis page that may play into it. I just wanted to update you and let you know we have not given up and are working hard to follow the clues. Again, have a safe trip, hope to hear from you soon.

    • env420 Says:

      I found another typo, and of course it was *after* I posted this…

      *We remain committed to researching ways to make to make…

      So, “to make” is doubled TWICE on the site. Just thought I’d update.

  10. Steff Says:

    c’mon “Lurkyloo”..
    we desperately need you =)

  11. Stuck! « The UNOFFICIAL LostARG: Are you a Candidate? Says:

    […] been set a deliberately fiendish one (maybe to keep us stumped till Elliott gets back from his trip!), or we’re missing something obvious. Here’s what we’ve […]

  12. anne_wintermute Says:

    Glad to see you’re back Elliot!

  13. Your DHARMA Spy Says:

    I have more news:

    1. Simeon Hobbes is dead.
    2. The game is over.
    3. WTK escaped.


  14. Your DHARMA Spy Says:

    I take 1 and 3 back.

    Wikipedia isn’t too reliable.


  15. Your DHARMA Spy Says:

    Rumour: WTK has a new YouTube video coming July 30.


    Update: Never mind. B’s putting my hopes up too high.

  16. Your DHARMA Spy Says:

    B is untrustworthy!!!


  17. Your DHARMA Spy Says:

    “Blog early, and blog often”

    Simeon Hobbes?


    Update: No. It isn’t true.

  18. Your DHARMA Spy Says:


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